Why I do what I do?: Love Notes by Joanne

I constantly get asked by people, "How do you do it? How do you manage to find the time to do what you do?" I am no superwoman by far, but I do have tons of roles in this game of life that I do play. I still currently work at a salon as a hairstylist. I've been doing that for 9 years and have built an amazing reputation for myself as being one of the most sought out stylists in San Jose.  I am wife to an amazing husband.  A mother to two beautiful daughters. And on top of all that I am an owner/photographer/cook for Encarnacion Photography.

Often times I wonder am I a workaholic or is it love that drives me to push myself to the limits?  First of all, I've never been one to believe in limits. I believe that with God anything is possible. And the answer to the question is: its L-O-V-E.  I love what I do and so I continue to do it. I love being a mom so I continue to play with my kids, read bedtime stories, sit on the side of the tub during bath time, and I laugh for my kids. I love being a wife so I continue to laugh at his silly jokes, watch hockey, and sit and watch him play video games. I love my career as a hairstylist so I continue to work in the salon making people feel confident and beautiful. I love being able to freeze a moment in time through taking pictures and when I hear from clients of ours that they are so grateful that we captured their day, I fall more and more in love with the fact that I don't hesitate to continue on with the madness because in the end I love my life. Even though there isn't enough hours in the day, even though some days I may fail at what I do, I love everything that I do.

And because I think my kids are the cutest kids on the earth.  Enjoy the photos of them I recently took.  To all my newly wed friends, I know you're reading this.  Don't these two make you want your own.  =)