So today I had the amazing opportunity to dive into Tanja Lippert and Tia Regan's amazing art of directing workshop. A workshop I highly recommend to any photographer! First of all I wanted to say thank you to this dynamic duo. Tanja has always been a huge inspiration to me. Her work is just rawrtastic and any woman who is not only pursuing her dreams, following her passion, and still being able to be an amazing mother and rock it as a beautiful woman is just someone I look up to. Tia, you rock too! I know that when life gets complicated, work becomes overwhelming, and stress starts to build up inside its always hard to put in 110% into creating beautiful work. So its always nice to take a step back and take a look at how other people bring the magic into it and to reignite that fire in yourself. When I got home I couldn't wait to share with Jonathan all the excitement and new things I got to learn at the workshop and I couldn't put the camera down just yet. The only subject I had around me was Miss Olivia who now is almost 4 months old. So as you hold onto your pants for the hot photos from the workshop, I invite you to melt in your chair at the beautiful photos of our lovely 4 month old!
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